Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
An in-depth look at Scripture, ...reveals that Jesus Christ is atonement and that he offered himself to forgive our past sins and to remove sin from us in the here and now.
Have you, by faith, been made righteous so that you can cooperate with Jesus in His revival plan?
In today’s sermon, Pastor Ray focuses on what it means to deny ourselves, take up our cross, and follow Jesus, as laid out in all of the Gospels.
Are your words and your deeds congruent?
A close look at the original Greek text overturns a cornerstone of this false gospel: Jesus did not become sin. Instead, "The one not having experienced sin took sin on our behalf in order that we might be made righteous."
1st Offertory for November
The modern church’s denial of entire sanctification is simply a refusal to submit to Jesus.
Do not by your impenitence or simply your ignorance, force God to leave you!
The Gospel is not a self-help, self-improvement program but does require a volitional submission to Jesus.
Jephthah's daughter's walk at the end of her life describes the process we must go through as go as we are crucified with Christ.
If you're sold out to Jesus and willing to let Him do whatever He chooses in your heart, this message is for you!