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Breaking the Lethargy (2017)

Are you willing to ask Jesus you want this changed in your life?

A terrifying lethargy grips many Christians. Lack of passion for the salvation of the lost, holiness, Scripture, or the church all indicate lethargy. But where does it come from? Simply, when a Christian chooses to violate what he or she knows is the will of God, the Spirit of God withdraws. Without immediate repentance, lethargy quickly sets in. Real repentance ultimately ends in submission to God.

The story of the rich young ruler demonstrates this principle. Though the man kept most of the commandments, he broke the last: “Thou shalt not covet.” The repentance for covetousness in this case required selling everything and giving the proceeds to the poor. The rich young ruler refused to do this, and would not follow Jesus. Why? Because he didn’t consider the holiness of God and how he had offended him because He didn’t want to submit his life to Jesus. He just wanted God’s blessing of eternal life.

Have you made this mistake? If yes, will you confess, submit and sell out to Jesus?