Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Do you hear the call to repent from the Holy Spirit??
When was the last time you wept before God over some wicked way He has uncovered?
Have you drifted away from Jesus? If so, you should listen to this message...
Are you ready to stand before the judgment bar of God?
The first work of the gospel is to repent and then believe...
Watch Jesus put a thumb in the devil's eye today...
Are you yoked up with Christ? Remember He's the one pulling most of the load!
Who is this complete Jesus?
Do you need restoration from Jesus?
Is Jesus your refuge or do you need to run to Him?
Are you willing to walk out these three steps daily?
What can we gleen from the story of this unsung hero?