Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
The wickedness of gossip, which is a stench to Jesus...
Are you dressed in rags and don't even know it?
Do you need revival and do you understand what that means?
Jesus is still a redeemer but is coming as the judge of all the earth soon. Are you ready?
Will you be a part of the Elijah company, understanding that it will cost you everything?
Today is the day of salvation dear one...
What is your heart given to (ambition, pride, taking care of your family, etc.)??
Does Jesus answer your prayers?
Are you making progress on this journey to the Celestial City?
What are the two ditches of humanism?
We begin this miniseries focusing upon a character named Ignorance...
Does a sinner know how sinful sin is? Many do not, but instead live in sin the way a fish lives in water.