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The Two Ditches of Humanism (2013)

What are the two ditches of humanism?

Pastor Ray discusses the two ditches of humanism. On the one side, there is the ditch of sentimentalism, which fails to deals with the reality of our sinful nature. Most who are serious about following Jesus will see the falseness and leave the shallowness of this path.

The ditch on the opposite side of the road is much more nuanced and designed to comfort the natural man because the flesh is comforted by doing “better” and “fighting against sin”. Much of the church is in one ditch or the other and have used these ditches, perhaps unconsciously, as a means to avoid dealing with their rebellion before a holy God and avoiding the necessity of being crucified with Christ.

Make that conscious choice to abandon all sin and to be crucified with Christ (and to listen to this series in its entirety). There is deliverance available to you but it will cost you everything, are you willing to pay the price?