Message Archives

Where Will You Spend Eternity? (2012)

Our journey with our dear brother Christian takes us from the church into a battle with Apollyon. Have you made

A Gaggle of Lies (2012)

We continue our study in the book “Pilgrim’s Progress” beginning at Page 76. Have you faced this gaggle of lies

Leaving the City of Destruction (2012)

Have you made that transition from “Graceless to Christian”. Have you ever felt the burden of sin on your heart?

You WILL Suffer Persecution – (2012)

Do you have a testimony of the Holy Spirit that you are walking clean by the power of the Holy

Enter Through the Narrow Gate (2012)

Today’s message doesn’t require a keen intellect but rather a willingness to be totally honest with God and ourselves.

Has Your Burden Been Removed? (2012)

Ponder three statements given to Christian, which are in today’s broadcast. Ponder three statements made to Christian.

Understanding the Burden of Sin (2012)

We need a heart-level understanding of our burden of sin or we’ll never earnestly seek deliverance of it.

How to Get and Stay Free (2012)

Are you in an iron cage and do you want to be delivered? Jesus wants to deliver you if you’re

You Must Gain The Final Victory

Pastor Ray takes us to a deeper meaning in Revelation 3:14, please join us! We must become overcomers to enter

Will You Pray?

Join us for our weekly prayer meeting held earlier today. Can you trust Jesus with your life?

GET READY Jesus Is At The Door

Do you hear the call of the Spirit today to get ready for the coming of Jesus? That should be

The Three Angels’ Message

What is the “three angel’s message?” It’s a call to get serious about following Jesus Christ. Listen to find out

The Mystery Of God Is Finished

Are you willing to seek after Jesus with a determination to reject all lies and believe in what the Holy

Shaken From Your Foundation

We’ve just begun to enter the great shakings as God is very serious about having a people fully given to

The Powers Of Darkness Are On The Move

We’re crying out that all lies will be uncovered by the Holy Spirit, will you agree with us?

The Storm Is Upon Us

Today’s message is the fourth this week from the book of Revelations. Please listen to them all if you have

When Does Jesus Come??

As we get closer to Jesus’ return, the scriptures are becoming clearer. Open your heart to this powerful message today!


We will be coming out of the great tribulation but must first go through it? Are you willing to trust

The Beast Power Rising

Today’s sobering message is very difficult to summarize but lays out the framework for the beast power rising, which we

Pray For One Hour

We had another live prayer meeting today. You don’t have to live in the DC to call in and pray!

You Will Live!

God desires to save you but many will not turn from their sin and be saved by Jesus. What will