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Enter Through the Narrow Gate (2012)

Today's message doesn't require a keen intellect but rather a willingness to be totally honest with God and ourselves.

Pastor Ray continues today in the book Pilgrim’s Progress, edited by C.J. Lovik and begins today on page 62. The question to ask yourself is whether you have entered through the narrow gate? If your answer is yes, that’s an indicia that you’ve fully given yourself and everything you are into the hand of Jesus. Do you have the ability to say NO to sin? If your answer is yes, that’s a strong indication that you belong to Jesus. Are you willing to ask the Holy Spirit to reveal whether you have been crucified with Christ?

Are you living life to the full as you are surrendered to Jesus or are you a thief or robber? It’s possible to do rebuild what was once destroyed through willful rebellion. If that is you are you willing to repent? We must be totally honest with Jesus or we’ll never enter the narrow gate.