Do You Have The Ability To Repent??Do you see your need of repentance as evidenced by a love of Vanity Fair?Pastor RayJuly 14, 2021Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreDo You Have The Ability To Repent??
Judgment For The SaintsA powerful message from Daniel Chapter 7 but not a dogmatic message. Listen to find out!Pastor RayJuly 13, 2021Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreJudgment For The Saints
How To Face The Lion’s DenAre your eyes on Jesus in the lions' den? Have you asked Jesus for a pure heart?Pastor RayJuly 12, 2021TeachingRead MoreHow To Face The Lion’s Den
Create In Me A Pure Heart O GodThank you for those who called in today to pray! We need Jesus!Pastor RayJuly 9, 2021Deeper LifeRead MoreCreate In Me A Pure Heart O God
The Writing Is On The WallDo you see we're at the precipice of great judgment against America?Pastor RayJuly 8, 2021Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreThe Writing Is On The Wall
An Ancient And Terrifying DreamHas God cut you down like King Nebuchadnezzar? If so, take courage and repent and give yourself to Jesus!Pastor RayJuly 7, 2021ProphecyRead MoreAn Ancient And Terrifying Dream
Do Not Lie Against Your SoulIs your heart to bring God's kingdom upon the earth or is your life about your kingdom?Pastor RayJuly 6, 2021LiesRead MoreDo Not Lie Against Your Soul
The Word of the Lord – 2004Do you understand what the "word of the Lord" is? A must-listen broadcast.Pastor RayJuly 5, 2021ProphecyRead MoreThe Word of the Lord – 2004
I Know You Hear Our Prayers FatherDo you have an urgency to pray for America, for the lost and dying? Join us next Friday...Pastor RayJuly 2, 2021PrayerRead MoreI Know You Hear Our Prayers Father
Hear From God Or DieAre you desperate for God to hear and answer some specific prayer?Pastor RayJuly 1, 2021Christian LifeRead MoreHear From God Or Die