The Meaning of the MenorahWhat is the meaning of the Menorah?Pastor RayJuly 15, 2019TeachingRead MoreThe Meaning of the Menorah
Filled With Knowing The Will Of God?What is the first priority of your heart is it to serve Jesus or rather to serve Him for some other purpose?Pastor RayJuly 11, 2019Deeper LifeRead MoreFilled With Knowing The Will Of God?
The Battle Ground of Your MindDo you see this battle ground of your mind and will give that over to Jesus?Pastor RayJuly 10, 2019Spiritual BattleRead MoreThe Battle Ground of Your Mind
The City of Temptation, Part 2Today's broadcast focuses on the obstacles we face on the way to the Celestial City.Pastor RayJuly 9, 2019LiesRead MoreThe City of Temptation, Part 2
The City of TemptationMany get snared in Vanity Fair, be resolute in spirit and Jesus will bring you through.Pastor RayJuly 8, 2019LiesRead MoreThe City of Temptation
The End of Self-Absorption – 2004If you're willing to be honest, this will be a most helpful sermon in your walk with Jesus.Pastor RayJuly 5, 2019Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreThe End of Self-Absorption – 2004
The Turning Point – 2010Jesus brings each one of us, just like Peter the Apostle, to a turning point where we must decide what we will do with Jesus and whether He will be Lord of all.Pastor RayJuly 2, 2019Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreThe Turning Point – 2010
Only a Single Seed! – 2005Have you died to all but Christ?Pastor RayJune 28, 2019TeachingRead MoreOnly a Single Seed! – 2005
In the Fullness of TimeJesus will carry you through!Pastor RayJune 24, 2019ProphecyRead MoreIn the Fullness of Time
Precious Treasures of the Heart – 2008If your actions spoke aloud, where would it show that your precious treasures (or deposits) are being made???Pastor RayJune 21, 2019Deeper LifeRead MorePrecious Treasures of the Heart – 2008
True Holiness?Does your inner man and outer man match in the spirit or are you still a brute beast?Pastor RayJune 20, 2019Deeper LifeRead MoreTrue Holiness?
Wait Upon the Lord!Don't believe and try to do it alone, whatever you're facing...Pastor RayJune 19, 2019Christian LifeRead MoreWait Upon the Lord!