The Goat of DepartureWhat does the goat of departure represent?Pastor RayApril 10, 2017TeachingRead MoreThe Goat of Departure
You Must Call on the Name of the LordYou MUST call on the name of the Lord for the carnal nature to be removed.Pastor RayApril 9, 2017PrayerRead MoreYou Must Call on the Name of the Lord
The Holy Spirit’s Prayer (2006)A powerful message and reminder that the blood of Jesus will set a man or woman free who is willing to repent and give himself to Jesus.Pastor RayApril 8, 2017PrayerRead MoreThe Holy Spirit’s Prayer (2006)
Jacob’s Heart (March 2017)What kind of heart do you have?Pastor RayApril 7, 2017TestimoniesRead MoreJacob’s Heart (March 2017)
Experiencing the Holy SpiritWill you, like Brother Finney, determine to completely give yourself to God, or die trying?Pastor RayApril 6, 2017Christian LifeRead MoreExperiencing the Holy Spirit
Do Not Despise the Word of the LordAre you willing to ask Jesus to unsin you?Pastor RayApril 5, 2017ProphecyRead MoreDo Not Despise the Word of the Lord
An End of EntertainmentAre you medicating your soul through entertainment, such as binge-watching videos, overeating, etc.Pastor RayApril 4, 2017LiesRead MoreAn End of Entertainment
Un-Sin Me!The world will not find Calvary until the Church finds Pentecost.Pastor RayApril 3, 2017Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreUn-Sin Me!
Are You Washed in the Blood?Have you gone all the way to the bottom with Jesus?Pastor RayMarch 30, 2017Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreAre You Washed in the Blood?
The Second Work of GraceWhat is this second of work I'm hearing so much about?Pastor RayMarch 29, 2017Deeper LifeRead MoreThe Second Work of Grace
The Lie of the Sinning ChristianThe lie of the sinning Christian denigrates the blood of Jesus to that of a bull or goat...Pastor RayMarch 28, 2017LiesRead MoreThe Lie of the Sinning Christian
The Greatest Need of the ChurchWhat does the church need more than anything simply to hear the word for what it says than obey it...Pastor RayMarch 27, 2017ProphecyRead MoreThe Greatest Need of the Church