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What’s the Context? — Part 3

Part 3 which focuses upon hermeneutics
What's the Context? — Part 3 (Pilgrim's Progress Radio Broadcast, 8-22-2018)


Hermeneutics 1: Jim Kerwin takes us through other examples of textual, cultural, linguistic, and historical context by:

  • elaborating further on “Wives, submit” and “Husbands, love” (Ephesians 5:22-24). We see how Paul’s context for these exhortations to mutual submission (v. 21) is based on continuous infilling with the Holy Spirit (vv. 18-20) — that’s the only way it works in love! And the context of mutual submission doesn’t end at 5:33; these examples carry clear through Ephesians 6:9.
  • discovering that Paul didn’t write the “seventh chapter” of Romans (or any of the other “chapters” either!).
  • setting the record straight on Matthew 16:18 by “rightly dividing” Hades from Hell, and discovering what it means for a gate to prevail against us. (Sorry, no “spiritual warfare” promises here — but something far greater, more liberating, and gloriously eternal!)
  • beginning to challenge the interpretation that Roman soldiers arrested Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane and guarded His tomb, based on Matthew’s clear testimony in Matthew 26:47 and his report from Matthew 28. (This point is to be continued.)


Lord willing, we’ll pick up where we left off today…

  • looking at the Garden-arrest story and and Garden-watch accounts in Matthew through two helpful, clarifying points: the existence of the Jewish Temple Guard and the (seemingly!) unrelated world of Roman military jurisprudence in the Book of Acts. Both of these will cast a bright light on the events at the Tomb on Resurrection morning (esp. Matthew 27:62-66 and Matthew 28:2-4, Matthew 28:11-15).
  • taking a quick survey of basic available Bible-study tools
  • unfolding the depth of meaning usually missed in the Throne Room vision of Isaiah 6. How many context-clues are normally missed when we read this passage!


  • For more of Jim’s teaching (and those of his teacher/father in the Lord, Percy Gutteridge) visit
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