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The Open Hand of God (2017)

Don't delay in your repentance, the door of salvation is open to you!

Christ first came as a lowly, meek, humble redeemer. Now, in this grace period before his second coming, the hand of God is open to receive and save sinners. But when Christ returns, he will wear the garments of judgment. Just as Christ raised Lazarus from the dead, he will call all the dead to life. We will assemble before God’s throne for judgment. At that time, no matter how much one weeps or begs, no mercy, pity, or forgiveness will be available.

Have you received Jesus now, and gladly received his command, “Neither do I condemn you. Now go, and sin no more”? Or have you delayed repentance and faith, saying, “I’m not ready yet. Sometime in the future I’ll be ready”? Dear one, do not trifle so with God! Death looms at the door, and after death, the judgment. If Jesus came today, would he find your works perfect before God?