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What’s the Context? — Part 4

Part 4 of What's the Context
What's the Context? — Part 4 (Pilgrim's Progress Radio Broadcast, 8-23-2018)


Jim Kerwin explores Roman military discipline in the context of book of Acts to shine light on the guards at Jesus’ tomb; they definitely were not Roman soldiers! After a brief discussion of some basic Bible study reference books everyone should have, we turned to reconsider the Throne-Room vision in Isaiah 6:1-9, discovering the contexts to which the passage points us — the life, punishment, and death of King Uzziah (2 Kings 15:4; 2 Chronicles 26:1-23), leprosy (Leviticus 13), and the responsibilities of a leper (esp. Leviticus 13:45). With these clearly understood, Isaiah 6 runs far deeper than we realized.

Second Helping for the Hungry:

Want to go through the Isaiah 6 Throne Room passage in more detail? Read Leper in the Throne Room on the Finest of the Wheat site, one of many teaching articles available there.


We’ll tie up our week-long Hermeneutics I series by using Old Testament context to unpack the loaded Gospel message Jesus delivered as His first recorded sermon!


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