Un-Sin Me!

The world will not find Calvary until the Church finds Pentecost.

4-03-2017 Un-sin Me! - Pilgrim's Progress Radio Broadcast

King David’s prayer in Psalm 51 is that God would “un-sin” him. Though usually translated “wash” or “purge,” this literal meaning of “un-sin” reveals that David was crying out for entire sanctification, which is the total removal of the old man/carnal nature. We find this taught by the apostle Paul in Romans 6: our old man is crucified with Christ, and we should never sin again after conversion.

In direct opposition to this, the general current of modern Christian teaching in America is that you can live with Christ (be saved) without ever having died with him (by dying to your sin). The result: many who consider themselves Christians are just pagans who have been spray painted with Jesus. Instead of living a holy life, they struggle with sin and eat from a smorgasbord of positive thinking, reformed theology, and whatever else that grabs their attention. Churches are closing, mosques are opening, and Christians are powerless against the flood of wickedness.

It is time for Christians to get serious with Jesus and take a stand for righteousness first in their own lives, and then in the culture! Christ’s commission to the church to preach the gospel to every person is inseparable from the anointing of the Holy Spirit. And, this anointing is inseparable from the doctrine of holiness (sanctification).ย If you’ve believed that real, present holiness is optional, you’ve blocked the power of God. The world will not find Calvary until the Church finds Pentecost. Are you prepared to renounce all sin forever and lay down your life for the work of the gospel?