John 14 6

The Truth of Romans Chapter Seven

You can't be in sin and in sin any more than you can be in New York City and Washington DC at the same time. Pastor Ray

4-18-2017 The Truth of Romans 7 - Pilgrim's Progress Radio Broadcast

The truth of Romans 7 cannot be found out of context. Romans 6, 7, and 8 clearly show that Christians do not sin. The true Christian has a clean conscience because Jesus has saved him from sinning. The venom of the serpent who said that if you sin, “You will not surely die,” has bitten the American church and we are indeed dying. This lie alleviates the distress of a mind convinced of sin and excuses a person to eat from the smorgasbord of the devil. Anything that takes away your distress over sin–while leaving you in sin–is a lie from the pit of hell. Are you crying, “Who shall deliver me from the body of this death?” Or do you believe that all of your past, present, and future sins are forgiven and that you’re saved?