Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
God comes in unexpected places to changes us, to transform us to comfort if we're willing to give ourselves into His hand for whatever HE desires...
Pastor Ray lays out why "The Fight is On" on today's broadcast. If you've made that decision to give yourself to Jesus, the same call applies to every believer.
On today's Pilgrim's Progress, Pastor Ray asks the question what is the curse of the fig tree and what is the cure?? It's another must-listen broadcast...
This message is about the wrath of God that He uses surgically to bring us to the end of ourselves. Have you come to the end yet?
We've covered over sin with a false unscriptural notion that God's love is unconditional, so we don't need to be serious about it unless it's some kind of gross sin.
Have you been casual about your sin due to this faulty thinking?
Are you tired of serving the devil in part, so you could have what you think you want? The devil can do nothing but kill, steal and destroy, when are you going to catch on?
Pastor Ray identifies the key to our first love in Jesus. We only discover who Jesus is through submission of our will to His. Be blessed as you listen!
Pastor Ray walks us through a couple of primary weighty scriptures to lay out the difference between walking in the spirit or walking in the flesh. Where are you walking today?
Much of the modern church has gone to another gospel, which is NOT good news. Listen to Pastor Ray lay out the Gospel and be crucified with Christ.
None of us are righteous but we must be made righteous, if we are to enter the kingdom of heaven. Has this work been completed in your heart?
A call to pray and cry out for Israel, with a realization that Jesus is still in charge! Things are going to worsen as persecution increases here in America.
Pastor Ray using a number of personal experiences and the scriptures lays out for us a deeper understanding of prayer.