Oldest to Newest Messages

What Is the Bedrock of the Gospel?

Victory over sin through the blood of Jesus now that dear one is the Gospel!

The Way Of Wisdom

God is no respecter of persons, He can do the same for you that He did for Abraham.

I Must Have Jesus

Jesus power is amazing and Brother Bevington was a hidden away warrior.

Healed by Jesus in the Way That Jesus Chooses

Are you willing to accept healing from Jesus in the way he chooses to deliver it?

Double-Minded No More?

(Part 2) – Have you chosen to leave your double-mindedness behind you?

The End of the Double Life

Do you need to pray on some particular issue with Jesus?

What Is the Driving Motive of Your Heart?

Make an unequivocal decision to give yourself totally to Jesus, you can leave your sin and “your” life! Amen!

Religion without Salvation (June 2005)

Are you willing to have all religious lies purged from your soul?

The Illusion of Middle Ground

We’ve had the false illusion that there is a middle ground, where we can worship God and do our thing

The History of the Half-Converted Christian

In this broadcast, Pastor Ray provides a detailed historical basis of the half-converted Christian, a term coined by Jonathan Edwards.

The Fruit of the Half-Converted Christian Church

The core sin of the half-converted church is a focus upon an emotional sentimentality about Jesus, in the absence or

Much More Amazing Grace!

Listen to the story how this dear brother finally laid everything down in full surrender to Jesus Christ. Praise God

Breaking the Lies of Satan (February 24, 2008)

In this sermon, Pastor Ray lays out the lies that keeps one who wants Jesus with all of his/her heart,

Have You Given Everything into the Hand of Jesus?

Will you allow the Holy Spirit and the sweetness of Jesus to draw your heart out of all uncleanness, all

The Amazing Grace of Jesus Christ (October 14, 2015)

Sometimes the very worst can become the very best. Listen to this inspiring story of repentance, forgiveness, redemption and our

The Last Fortress (October 12, 2008)

Jesus wants and desires that you come into full victory over sin by His precious blood, will you not run

Finally… Crucified with Christ (October 25, 2015)

We cannot withhold ourselves from Jesus and expect Him to save us. – Brother Ed

The Kindness and Sternness of God (May 2009)

In this sermon, Pastor Ray lays out both the kindness and sternness of God from the scriptures, which is so

It Is for Freedom, that Christ Set Us Free

The love of God is freedom, not bondage, as we serve our spouses, our workmates and those around us. The

Wake Up, America! Judgment Is at the Door

What are the consequences of turning from our Creator? Find out today as Pastor Ray takes a closer look.

The Normalcy Bias Must End in the Body of Christ in America

We see in Europe today the consequences of turning from God. This is also coming to America if we do