Oldest to Newest Messages

The Number One Issue Facing America (October 23, 2014)

Have you rejected the fallacy of the sinning Christian?

The Way Up Is the Way Down

Have you been set free from lukewarmness?

Is God Distant from You?

Why is God distant from you (if that’s your present reality with Jesus)?

God’s Call into the Desert

Have you been to the desert with Jesus?

Are You Trying to Save Your Life?

Have you left the lie of self-help behind??

One Sermon of Jesus

Listen to the one sermon of Jesus…

Entering into the Kingdom of God

Many are called but few are chosen…

The War Has Already Begun

The sign that you’re unaware of the battle is a sure sign you’re not engaged in it…

Why Is the Modern American Church so Dead?

Do you really want to know why most churches are dead in America?

The Battle against Apollyon

Are you engaged in the battle for your soul?

The Emperor (Church) Has No Clothes

It’s quite sad but true may you weep as the prophets of old did at a message like this.

The Righteous Will Live by Faith

Is Jesus the source and center in ALL things or are we gods?

Do You Really Care about Jesus?

Will you allow Jesus to make you righteous and transform you so that you no longer care about anything that

The Lie of Positional Righteousness

What is this lie of positional righteousness?

How Do I Become a Christian?

Do you want to become a Christian, then this message is for you…

Are You Saved?

What are you saved from??

A God of Action

God is calling us to action not passivity as we stand upon His promises!

The Death to the Sentimental Christmas

Listen to the pagan lies integrated into the celebration of Christmas…

The Secret Gift of God the Father

The wonderful gift of forgiveness is expensive as you’ll see…

There Are No Part-Time Christians

You can’t be a part-time Christian no more than you can expect to be a part-time pagan and enter the

How Do We Escape a Burning World?

Once we leave the lie of the “sinning Christian” we must deal directly with Jesus. Are you willing to do