Oldest to Newest Messages

Right Now Call Upon The Name Of The Lord

Have you been calling upon the name of the Lord, only He can fill our hearts with fire and not

Final Preparation For THE DAY OF JUDGMENT

Have you made preparation for the final judgment and have you been set free by Jesus?

How Do You Prepare For The End Of The World?

https://youtu.be/_yShR5zpgkc On today’s broadcast Pastor Ray walks us through Matthew 24 and the associated chapter in Luke 21. Listen to

The Finale Clash Of Two Civilizations

Do you see the coming clash of two civilizations and have you decided where your allegiance lies?


Our call is to pray, pray, pray until Jesus hears our cries. Please join us in crying out to the

The End of the Age

We believe we are nearing the end of the age and want your heart to be on fire for Jesus.

The Lie That Keeps On Lying

Has your walk with Jesus been impacted by the primary lie of the modern church? Found out today what that

Wake Up And Fight!

The call of the Spirit is to awaken from our slumber and fight against the wickedness in our modern church

Judgment Of The American Church

Do you understand why is God bringing judgement to the American church and brought it in some measure? What will

Do You Have The Courage To Pray?

Do you need Jesus to remove all of the lies you have believed?

A God Who Kneels (2014 Sermon)

Are you willing to ask God to kneel over you? Find out today why that’s so important in your walk

The Foreknowledge of God – 2005

God has a precise purpose for your life and mine, not so that we can manage our own lives. Will

If Holy Ann, You Can…

Let this wonderful story be unfolded by the Holy Spirit to break every misconception you’ve had about being a follower

If Not Now When Will You Pray?

Another live prayer meeting today, thank you for those precious ones who called in to pray….

Finally Enter Into Jesus!

Are you finally ready to enter into Jesus? Find out what that means and how to do it on today’s

A Black Horse

Do you have eyes to see where we’re at in this time and place? It’s time to enter the promised

Can You Be Saved From God’s Wrath?

Are you free from the wrath of God and what will that entail? Listen closely as Pastor Ray lays out

What Does God Want From You??

Where is your focus is it upon your own whims and desires or is it upon what Jesus desires?

The War For Truth PRAY

Are you acitvely engaged in the war for truth? If not, you’re in great trouble…

Do You Need Some Good News?

Do you know we serve a God is faithful to all who are faithful to Him. Be encouraged as you

There Is A Judgment

Are you fully prepared for the judgment of God? It’s time to get ready dear one…