
Life in the Spirit

What is this life in the Spirit that we are called to?

5-08-2017 Life in the Spirit - Pilgrim's Progress Radio Broadcast

Life in the spirit is a supernatural work of God. It isn’t living a good life or following principles. Instead, life in the spirit comes by crucifixion, death, and resurrection by the blood of Jesus Christ.

“Good” things (remember the tree of knowledge of good and evil), like recreation or making money, can absorb us. Absorption in “good” things creates an addictive, fantasy-world lifestyle. You may avoid “gross” sin, yet be addicted to romance novels, video games, television, or biking. The fruit of darkness will mark your life: lying, yelling at your family, getting even with your boss, gossip, or bitterness. This walking in the flesh will lead to death and hell.

On the other hand, if we live in the presence of the Holy Spirit, His thoughts and feelings will become ours. Like him, we will see the grave crisis of the nation. We will weep, wail, pray, and agonize for the salvation of the lost. Your personal salvation requires walking in faith, praying in faith, and walking day by day in the Spirit of Christ. If this message offends you, you are likely walking in the flesh. Are you living a renewed life in Jesus?