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Dying Without the Holy Spirit

The American church is dying without the Holy Spirit, does that break your heart or are you asleep?
8-15-2017 Dying Without the Holy Spirit - Pilgrim's Progress Radio Broadcast

The American church is dying without the Holy Spirit. In Europe, old church members are dying off faster than new converts join. Only a small percentage of professing Christians attend church weekly. As a result, churches are sold and turned into mosques. Atheism rules. What’s happened in the European church is a preview to what will happen in America if the Holy Spirit does not come.

So let’s consider the first coming of the Holy Spirit. In the upper room, at Pentecost, 120 disciples of Jesus gathered to wait for the Holy Spirit. What evidence did they have for expecting the Holy Spirit? Nothing more than we do–Jesus’ promise. That was it.

If the Holy Spirit had not come to that first gathering of Christians, there would be no church today. Christianity would not exist.

Likewise, it’s time for us as Christians to get back to the fundamentals of our faith. It’s time to repent of our sins, give up hopelessness, and then see the glorious promise that Jesus made for us:

Do you see that without the Holy Spirit, the American church will die? There will be no church. Is your heart all broken up about this? If not, it’s because there’s sin in your life. Wherever you are right now, will you quickly get to a place where you can honestly feel, and then cry out to God for the Holy Spirit–not giving up until he comes?