November 2016 Offertory (Ephesians)1st Offertory for NovemberPastor RayNovember 29, 2016PrayerRead MoreNovember 2016 Offertory (Ephesians)
The Sacrifice of Intercession (February 2005)Another important and powerful message on becoming an intercessor...Pastor RaySeptember 10, 2016PrayerRead MoreThe Sacrifice of Intercession (February 2005)
Melted in PrayerIs your heart melted down as you pray or is your heart cold and indifferent?Pastor RaySeptember 8, 2016PrayerRead MoreMelted in Prayer
Principles of Intercession (October 15, 2012)Do you believe that God can and will move in the physical realm as we begin to seek His face and not His hand?Pastor RayJune 30, 2016PrayerRead MorePrinciples of Intercession (October 15, 2012)
The Language of Prayer (July 7, 2005)Pastor Ray lays out the call of the Holy Spirit for the National Prayer Chapel and walks quickly through the model prayer, the Lord’s Prayer.Pastor RayJune 18, 2016PrayerRead MoreThe Language of Prayer (July 7, 2005)
Does Jesus Answer Prayers?Does Jesus actually step into time and space to change you and you circumstances? Do you believe that he can? Pastor RayMay 31, 2016PrayerRead MoreDoes Jesus Answer Prayers?
Pray to Jesus, and Don’t Give Up!Let Brother Bevington's testimony be an encouragement to your soul.Pastor RayMay 30, 2016PrayerRead MorePray to Jesus, and Don’t Give Up!
Rees Howells’ Intercession against Fatalism (2015)Have you made a decision to simply take God at His word and no longer believe the fatalistic lies of the devil.Pastor RayMay 25, 2016PrayerRead MoreRees Howells’ Intercession against Fatalism (2015)
March 2016 Offertory and Introduction to Robert AitkenAn offertory call followed by a wonderful testimony of a saint of old, Robert Aitken.Pastor RayMarch 31, 2016PrayerRead MoreMarch 2016 Offertory and Introduction to Robert Aitken
Meeting the Conditions for Effective PrayerDo you meet the conditions for God to answer your prayers?Pastor RayNovember 23, 2015PrayerRead MoreMeeting the Conditions for Effective Prayer