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Rees Howells’ Intercession against Fatalism (2015)

Have you made a decision to simply take God at His word and no longer believe the fatalistic lies of the devil.

Many of us have heard of the miraculous deliverance of Great Britain in World War 2 and the bravery of the British People and their courageous leader, Winston Churchill. That was the front side of the story but here was also a back side.  Rees Howells was a coal miner turned minister of the Gospel, who went on to found the Bible College of Wales. Rees Howells and his fellow prayer warriors were the back side of the Allies victory over the Nazis. Listen to this incredible saga of spiritual warfare and the disciples who prayed in the victory during the greatest war the world has ever seen. Make a decision to simply take God at His word and no longer believe the fatalistic lies of the devil.