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Is It Over for You (and Me)?

Do you have the guts to leave your sin and fight for the soul of America?

Pastor Ray draws the parallel between the modern church and the life of a washed-up nobody, who was heavily steeped in sin, and asks the question can the divine power of God change the atmosphere in a man’s heart and consequently change the nation as well? (If you’re heavily steeped in sin, do you believe that Jesus can rescue you?)

This nobody was President Ulysses Grant, who was far from being presidential for much of his life. If not for his wife and family, he very likely would have become a vagrant. His wife refused to believe what she saw and she decided to put all of her trust in Jesus, and Jesus stepped in, in an amazing way to rescue not only her husband, but also America from the wickedness of slavery. Are you willing to be like Mrs. Grant and stand for righteousness even though the devil has declared that it’s over for you and me? Take a stand for righteousness today, regardless of what that will cost you and Jesus will deliver.