Meeting the Conditions for Effective Prayer

Do you meet the conditions for God to answer your prayers?
11-23-2015 Meeting the Conditions for Effective Prayer - Pilgrim’s Progress Broadcast

Do you really believe that God will answer your prayers? Pastor Ray Greenley suggests that when God doesn’t answer our prayers, it’s because we had no faith that he would, and then we drift into indifference and hostility. Is your relationship with God characterized by affection and submission, or do you experience flashes of anger and rage because God didn’t do what you wanted him to? As long as we are hostile towards God, we are his enemy. Our spirit must be alive in righteousness. Unforgiveness, hostility, and anger will destroy our righteousness and prevent God from answering our prayers. Even still, it is often necessary to wait on God in order to align our will with his. It’s not so much that we are waiting on God, as he is waiting on us.