Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Do you see your great need of having the Holy Spirit open the way before you? If so, this message will prove beneficial to you.
Find out how to become a Christian during today's message.
Find out what will qualify you for the kingdom or disqualify you for the kingdom of heaven as you listen to Pastor Ray today.
Pastor Ray paints a clear picture of both the culture of Jesus contrasted to the Anti-Christ culture marked by a fixation on accumulating things and being successful. Are you willing to follow the Jesus culture, regardless of the cost?
In today's message, Pastor Ray lays out the story of Jonah and the key points. Do you see how his need for a positive reputation ensnared him?
Before a man or woman can be used in the kingdom of God, He or She must be whittled down before Him. That's not an easy process.
Have you made a decision to not have a divided heart? Are you willing to plow up any thorns that may be in your heart?
Is the desire of your heart to live in the glory of God? If you can say yes honestly, realize that the spirit of Jezebel must be purged in your soul.
Have you come to the end of yourself, as Elijah did and Pastor Ray has? It's time to get to the mountain of God.
It's the love of God that calls us to follow Him, that breaks the power of sin. Have you experienced the love of Jesus?
After listening to the message or perhaps before it's over, you'll know if you've been cut off from this life.
It's time for many of you to give up this false notion of middle ground. May the Holy Spirit bring the conviction you need to leave this wicked place.