Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Do you see that we're running out of grace in this age? It's time to be earnest and sincere in our seeking after Jesus!
Want an overview of all the Beatitudes? You're in for a treat today as Pastor Ray, with some help from G.D. Watson (a holiness preacher from the 19th century) walk us through.
Today's message lays out the real focus of the sermon mount. Open your heart to receive the word of the living God.
Have you allowed Jesus, or will you allow Him to do this work of meekness in your heart or are you a wolf man perhaps hiding in sheep's clothing?
Is there great shame in your heart because Jesus has uncovered the darkness in your heart, maybe something you were totally unaware of as was the case with Peter?
Do you know the path to being born from above or born again? It begins with our utter poverty of spirit. Listen to Pastor Ray to find out more...
Find out what the school of the brokenhearted is and the necessity of going through it. Are you willing to walk through this painful place?
Are you under the crushing weight of sin? Do you know the path to deliverance? Listen and be set free today.
Do you desire a clean heart, and are you willing to meet the conditions for it? Listen to an exposition of the second half of Psalm 51 today on Pilgrim's Progress.
Do you know the road into the heart of Jesus? Find out today as Pastor Ray walks us through Psalm 51...
Find out what the three revelations are, which are necessary to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit? These won't help you unless you actually heed them.
This is a warning message today, will you cry out to Jesus? His heart is to destroy the works of the devil, not to leave you...