A call to pray and cry out for Israel, with a realization that Jesus is still in charge! Things are going to worsen as persecution increases here in America.
Pastor Ray using a number of personal experiences and the scriptures lays out for us a deeper understanding of prayer.
Where is the focus of your life (i.e. your time, energy, everything) is it on Jesus or on something else? That's the question we must ask as we listen along.
An introduction to our study of the book of Galatians on today's Pilgrim's Progress. God bless you as you listen!
What does it mean to lie to the Holy Spirit versus being bent to the Holy Spirit and Jesus? Find out as you listen along...
What does it look like when I'm crucified with Christ? Find out as Pastor Ray continues plowing through Romans Chapter 6.
The title "Dead to Sin, Alive to Jesus" is in most bibles as a subtitle in Romans Chapter 6. Is this a present reality in your life?
As the introduction to a new series on the book of Romans, Pastor Ray identifies causes of a cold heart to Jesus.
Using the story of Elijah, Pastor Ray lays out the keys to "coming of the wilderness." Do you need to come out of the wilderness??
Today we had a special prayer meeting for deliverance from demon oppression...
The only way to leave the lie of the Sinning is to leave your life of sin. Have you done it?
Pastor Ray continues on detailing the necessity of praying in accord with God's will. This is Part 2 in a series on Lazarus.