May I Speak with You About Your Heart?May I Speak with You About Your Heart?Hear the call to go down and humble our hearts and not rise in anger as the second prodigal did.Continue reading May I Speak with You About Your Heart? Life With the PigsLife With the PigsIf you’ve made your life with the pigs, then you know how painful that life is. Are you willing toContinue reading Life With the Pigs God’s Covenant Revival Promise – 2009God’s Covenant Revival Promise – 2009Hear the call to God’s covenant revival promise. It’s probably more expansive than you had considered. We Don’t Want This CrankWe Don’t Want This CrankAre you willing to go all the way with Jesus, first for yourself and then for others, regardless of theContinue reading We Don’t Want This Crank Tremble Before GodTremble Before GodDo we tremble before God as beggars, knowing that we cannot make our life work on our own or areContinue reading Tremble Before God Your Power SourceYour Power SourceWhat power source are you connected to? Listen and hear the call to be fully connected to Jesus Christ, HeContinue reading Your Power Source More Than ConquerorsMore Than ConquerorsToday’s message begins in Romans 8 Verse 22 and is a continuation of this powerful series from the book ofContinue reading More Than Conquerors The Wages of Anger – 2015The Wages of Anger – 2015Have you dealt with the anger (and its manifestations) in your soul, or have you buried it?? We Share In His SufferingsWe Share In His SufferingsToday’s powerful message includes a slow thoughtful reading of most of Romans 8, including the text that makes up theContinue reading We Share In His Sufferings Life Through The SpiritLife Through The SpiritIs your desire to enter the rest of God? We invite you to listen to today’s broadcast, which will helpContinue reading Life Through The Spirit Law And SinLaw And SinHave you allowed the law and sin bring you all the way to an end in yourself and are willingContinue reading Law And Sin It Is The End Of TimeIt Is The End Of TimeAre you under the law or have you been set free? We’re at the end of time, listen closely toContinue reading It Is The End Of Time Willing to be Made Willing – 2005Willing to be Made Willing – 2005Are you willing once for all to have your llife given into the hands of Jesus? Converted to God – 2008Converted to God – 2008Listen to the process of conversion that Jesus takes us through. Have you let Him do this work in yourContinue reading Converted to God – 2008 The Problem Is We Don’t Know the LawThe Problem Is We Don’t Know the LawPastor Ray backs up and goes through the law again today. (The title of the broadcast comes from Romans 7:1.) A Self-Made LifeA Self-Made LifePastor Ray exposes the cultural lie of the self-made person and goes on to lay out the law in bothContinue reading A Self-Made Life Who Are You Offering Yourself To?Who Are You Offering Yourself To?What does the evidence of your life show that you’re offering yourself to? Are you being set apart for theContinue reading Who Are You Offering Yourself To? What Counts is a New Creation – 2009What Counts is a New Creation – 2009Is the focus of your life on being a new creature by Jesus’ power? Do you need to change yourContinue reading What Counts is a New Creation – 2009 How to Die to Self (2017)How to Die to Self (2017)Do you need help in your desire to be crucified with Christ? If so, this message will be extremely helpfulContinue reading How to Die to Self (2017) So, You Think You Want To Go To Heaven?So, You Think You Want To Go To Heaven?Are you willing to meet the conditions for being able to enter heaven? You Do Not Fear GodYou Do Not Fear GodWill you ask yourself this question “Do You Fear God” and how has affected your relationship with Jesus? « Previous 1 … 7 8 9 10 11 … 109 Next »