Message Archives

The Price Of The Anointing?

Are you willing to the pay the price of the anointing?

Give Jesus One Hour To Pray

Join us for our weekly prayer meeting, live on radio and internet!

My Heart Cries Out For Jesus

It’s either the staff or the snake in your life, which will you choose?

The Demand Of A Doubting Heart

Do you recognize your doubting heart and are you willing to ask Jesus to remove it?

In The Stillness And Light Of The Divine Presence

Do you still have something to prove to anyone in your life or have to be validated in some way?

From Egypt To The Backside Of The Desert

Do you understand the purpose of the desert and have you submitted to that end?

Do Not Bend To The Wind!

What is your motivation for following Jesus? Are you bending to the wind?

Please, An End To Stubborn Ignorance

Have you been made into a new creature by Jesus?

Warnings, Dangers, The Fight Is On

Are you too big for God to answer your prayers?

Escape The Giant Despair

Why would God block you in? What does God want from you???

Come Out Of The Dungeon!

Are you ready to come out of the dungeon to serve Jesus?

This Is The Day To Pray

Join us each Friday to cry out to Jesus to intervene on our behalf, we desperately need Him!

The American Church Has Forgotten God

Have you forgotten about God? We must pursue Jesus to seek Him to remove all sin in our hearts!…

Do You Have The Ability To Repent??

Do you see your need of repentance as evidenced by a love of Vanity Fair?

Judgment For The Saints

A powerful message from Daniel Chapter 7 but not a dogmatic message. Listen to find out!

How To Face The Lion’s Den

Are your eyes on Jesus in the lions’ den? Have you asked Jesus for a pure heart?

Create In Me A Pure Heart O God

Thank you for those who called in today to pray! We need Jesus!

The Writing Is On The Wall

Do you see we’re at the precipice of great judgment against America?

An Ancient And Terrifying Dream

Has God cut you down like King Nebuchadnezzar? If so, take courage and repent and give yourself to Jesus!

Do Not Lie Against Your Soul

Is your heart to bring God’s kingdom upon the earth or is your life about your kingdom?

The Word of the Lord – 2004

Do you understand what the “word of the Lord” is? A must-listen broadcast.