
A Voice Crying In The Desert

Have been totally changed by Jesus? Have you prepared the way for the Lord by your repentance and obedience to Jesus?
4-19-2022 -  A Voice Crying In The Desert

Do you hear the call of the Spirit of God today to leave everything behind and seek after Jesus? Do you see the judgments falling in earnest upon in America? Jesus is calling after us to leave the sin behind and our wicked ways in the dust. Jesus is the only one who can carry us through all the way to the Celestial City and we’ve been blocked by so many things.

It’s time to get free and stay free by the blood of Jesus and make whatever sacrifices Jesus asks us to make. Are you willing to be obedient and submissive to what Jesus wants in your life? Jon us live tomorrow from 1-2 PM EST on YouTube and please read the entire of book of Colossians in preparation.