Pray for a Holy and Godly lifeJoin us for our weekly prayer meeting where we cry out to Jesus.Pastor RayMarch 18, 2023PrayerRead MorePray for a Holy and Godly life
Fearless In The Face Of DeathAre you a fearless one in the face of death? It requires a dying out on our part first.Pastor RayMarch 17, 2023Deeper LifeRead MoreFearless In The Face Of Death
The Gentile PentecostHave you considered the Gentile Pentecost? Found out what it is and what the cost is to enter in...Pastor RayMarch 15, 2023ProphecyRead MoreThe Gentile Pentecost
The Terrible Wrath Of GodDo you know of the terrible wrath of God and what that entails? It's a terrifying message today...Pastor RayMarch 14, 2023Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreThe Terrible Wrath Of God
Live In The Fear Of GodHave you honestly been converted and do you live in the fear of God?Pastor RayMarch 13, 2023Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreLive In The Fear Of God
Pilgrims Progress Story Time Episode 9Christian survives the Valley of Shadow and Death and meets Faithful during today's reading.Pastor RayMarch 11, 2023Christian LifeRead MorePilgrims Progress Story Time Episode 9
Devote Your Life To PrayerThank you for those who called in to pray. Pastor Ray also read a story from G.C. Bevington's Remarkable Miracles.Pastor RayMarch 10, 2023PrayerRead MoreDevote Your Life To Prayer
A Terminal Desire Of The HeartToday's message is about Simon Magus. Have you been like this man? Listen closely dear one...Pastor RayMarch 9, 2023LiesRead MoreA Terminal Desire Of The Heart
Calling You To A Primitive Faith In JesusDo you see the great need, hence the call for a return to a primitive faith in Jesus?Pastor RayMarch 8, 2023Christian LifeRead MoreCalling You To A Primitive Faith In Jesus
The Reality Beyond Your DemandsToday's message is a familiar story from Acts but is much broader than you have thought.Pastor RayMarch 7, 2023LiesRead MoreThe Reality Beyond Your Demands
Oh Jesus, Change My Heart!Hear the call of the Holy Spirit to be totally changed by the Holy Spirit! Is that the cry of your heart???Pastor RayMarch 6, 2023New Birth and RestorationRead MoreOh Jesus, Change My Heart!
Take Away My Heart of Stone!Do you have a heart of stone and need a cure?Brother EdMarch 4, 2023Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreTake Away My Heart of Stone!