Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Today we meet a character named talkative, who represents much of today's modern church (and us at times), who likes and even sounds righteous but there's something amiss. Found out more today.
Are you agonizing and giving everything to follow Jesus or are you on the wrong road or do you even know??
How do we measure progress as we're on this journey toward the Celestial City? Find out on today's broadcast of Pilgrim's Progress.
We find more fully that our Lord Jesus is our shepherd in the valley of the shadow of death. Will you trust Him?
Have you decided to take a stand against the forces of darkness, regardless of the cost? May we stand against the wickedness first in our own hearts.
This is a live recording just after Keith Green wrote "O Lord You're Beautiful to Me." Be blessed as you listen!
Our journey with our dear brother Christian takes us from the church into a battle with Apollyon. Have you made that decision to follow Jesus, come what may?
We continue our study in the book "Pilgrim's Progress" beginning at Page 76. Have you faced this gaggle of lies on your journey to the Celestial City?
Have you made that transition from "Graceless to Christian". Have you ever felt the burden of sin on your heart?
Do you have a testimony of the Holy Spirit that you are walking clean by the power of the Holy Spirit?
Today's message doesn't require a keen intellect but rather a willingness to be totally honest with God and ourselves.