The City of TemptationMany get snared in Vanity Fair, be resolute in spirit and Jesus will bring you through.Pastor RayJuly 8, 2019LiesRead MoreThe City of Temptation
The End of Self-Absorption – 2004If you're willing to be honest, this will be a most helpful sermon in your walk with Jesus.Pastor RayJuly 5, 2019Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreThe End of Self-Absorption – 2004
The Turning Point – 2010Jesus brings each one of us, just like Peter the Apostle, to a turning point where we must decide what we will do with Jesus and whether He will be Lord of all.Pastor RayJuly 2, 2019Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreThe Turning Point – 2010