A Time to Forgive!Have you you free of bitterness in your soul because all of the debts have been wiped out by the blood of Jesus?Pastor RayJuly 26, 2019Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreA Time to Forgive!
The Lord’s PrayerA review of the Lord's prayer, the most important prayer in the scriptures.Pastor RayJuly 25, 2019PrayerRead MoreThe Lord’s Prayer
The Tree of JudgmentAre you willing for the tree of judgment to be cast down??Pastor RayJuly 24, 2019Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreThe Tree of Judgment
Forgiveness and RepentanceDo you see your great need for forgiveness and repentance? If yes, then this message will greatly aid your walk with Jesus.Pastor RayJuly 23, 2019Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreForgiveness and Repentance
The Menorah Restored!Have you been restored?Pastor RayJuly 22, 2019ProphecyRead MoreThe Menorah Restored!
The Mission of God’s People – 2008Have you dealt with your self-importance?Pastor RayJuly 19, 2019Christian LifeRead MoreThe Mission of God’s People – 2008
The Menorah RemovedAre you a part of the institutional church or have you been called out of the world by the Holy Spirit?Pastor RayJuly 18, 2019ProphecyRead MoreThe Menorah Removed
The LampstandHave you left your first love due to the blowing of the devil on your life?Pastor RayJuly 16, 2019TeachingRead MoreThe Lampstand
The Meaning of the MenorahWhat is the meaning of the Menorah?Pastor RayJuly 15, 2019TeachingRead MoreThe Meaning of the Menorah
Filled With Knowing The Will Of God?What is the first priority of your heart is it to serve Jesus or rather to serve Him for some other purpose?Pastor RayJuly 11, 2019Deeper LifeRead MoreFilled With Knowing The Will Of God?
The Battle Ground of Your MindDo you see this battle ground of your mind and will give that over to Jesus?Pastor RayJuly 10, 2019Spiritual BattleRead MoreThe Battle Ground of Your Mind
The City of Temptation, Part 2Today's broadcast focuses on the obstacles we face on the way to the Celestial City.Pastor RayJuly 9, 2019LiesRead MoreThe City of Temptation, Part 2