Renounce All Sin (2006)We've only superficially understood what repentance is? Please listen...Pastor RayMarch 25, 2017Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreRenounce All Sin (2006)
Three Loaves of Bread (2006)Because of our bent to pride, we find importunity much too humbling and hence we go year after year without the power of the Holy Spirit...Pastor RayMarch 24, 2017TeachingRead MoreThree Loaves of Bread (2006)
The Surprising AntichristToday, will you honestly face John Bunyan's question, "Wilt thou leave thy sins and go to heaven, or have thy sins and go to hell?"Pastor RayMarch 23, 2017ProphecyRead MoreThe Surprising Antichrist
Enrolled in the School of the Holy Spirit?God has called you, will you say yes to the school of the Holy Spirit?Pastor RayMarch 22, 2017TestimoniesRead MoreEnrolled in the School of the Holy Spirit?
O Lord, Change Me!Jesus doesn’t require self-improvement, but crucifixion—the total transfer of the ownership of one's life to Christ.Pastor RayMarch 21, 2017Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreO Lord, Change Me!
The Gates of Hell Will Not Prevail Against the Church!The gospel of holiness has been loosed in America and in Washington, D.C., and it CANNOT be bound. Pastor RayMarch 20, 2017Deeper LifeRead MoreThe Gates of Hell Will Not Prevail Against the Church!
How Big Is Your Jesus? (February 2017)Is Jesus large or small to you?Pastor RayMarch 17, 2017LiesRead MoreHow Big Is Your Jesus? (February 2017)
And God Goes Courting (2005)How have you to reacted to God's outpoured love to you?Pastor RayMarch 16, 2017New Birth and RestorationRead MoreAnd God Goes Courting (2005)
A Declaration of War (2003)A powerful message, we must remember that the battle belongs to the Lord!Pastor RayMarch 15, 2017Spiritual BattleRead MoreA Declaration of War (2003)
Can We Live Wrong and Die Right? (2014)Does, "I'm saved, and now I have to do my best," encapsulate your Christian experience? If so, you've been duped by a gnostic, self-improvement, legalistic gospel that's no different than Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, or any of the world religions.Pastor RayMarch 14, 2017Spiritual BattleRead MoreCan We Live Wrong and Die Right? (2014)
The Gift of an Anguished Mind (October 2014)Have you received this gift of an anguished mind?Pastor RayMarch 13, 2017Christian LifeRead MoreThe Gift of an Anguished Mind (October 2014)
Jacob’s HeartDo you understand the heart of Jacob?Brother EdMarch 12, 2017TestimoniesRead MoreJacob’s Heart