Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
You are under a process of cultivation with a definite end: for the Holy Spirit, through you, to use the power of the atonement to break the devil’s dominion, bind the strong man, and steal his goods.
Are you willing to pay the price for God to bring revival? Or will you be content to watch everyone you know go down to hell?
Will you cry out and allow God to deal all the way to the bottom with your pride?
Have you hid anything (an unclean thing, an unclean attitude or perhaps a pet sin) from the all-seeing eye of the Holy Spirit?
We can finish our pilgrimage successfully if we stay low, regardless of how we may feel in our inner being.
Has your spiritual progress been stalled by fear and doubt, even though you love Jesus? If so, the character Mr. Fearing of Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress offers great encouragement.
The kingdom of heaven will not just fall into our laps--it must be taken by force! Take up your courage, and press into Jesus!
How long will you allow our God-given American freedoms to be stripped away while you content yourself with a small portion of wickedness? Isn't it time to praise Jesus for his patience with us, and fly to him for dear life?
Have you been chilled by the sophistry of satan (it also would apply to the church at Ephesus)...
Let's walk today with Father Abraham on the journey of faith...
God absolutely will uncover our pride because that must be removed if we are to make to the Celestial City.