Stay Low! (July 11, 2012)

We can finish our pilgrimage successfully if we stay low, regardless of how we may feel in our inner being.
10-07-2016 - "Stay Low!" - Pilgrim's Progress Encore Radio Broadcast from 07-11-2012

Do you fear God or do you live under the false illusion that God is your servant? In this continuation on the life of Mr. Fearing, the virtue of staying low emerges as indispensable for a successful journey to the celestial city, and ultimately our salvation. We can finish our pilgrimage successfully if we stay low, regardless of how we may feel in our inner being. Staying low is the same thing as being “poor in spirit” the first of the Beatitudes, so if you’re low stay there and let Jesus teach you how to walk with Him and let Him make you into a nobody and simply be a servant.