Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Does Jesus actually step into time and space to change you and you circumstances? Do you believe that he can?
Let Brother Bevington's testimony be an encouragement to your soul.
Once we make that once-for-all covenant with Jesus to belong to Him, He will bring us through come what may!
Here's part of the welcome from Sister Kathryn today we salvaged, where she's talking about Isaiah 43 and the year of Jubilee!
Do you have the guts to leave your sin and fight for the soul of America?
Have you made a decision to simply take God at His word and no longer believe the fatalistic lies of the devil.
What is the atmosphere of your soul, is it the fruit of the spirit or the fruit of the flesh?
Listen to this inspiring story of repentance, forgiveness, redemption and the Lord’s Amazing Grace and make the decision to fully give yourself into the hand of Jesus.
We must make a transition as both Elijah and Elisha did to where the sole focus of their lives became about Jesus and His agenda.
On today’s broadcast, Pastor Ray provides a detailed Biblical explanation of entering into the Sabbath rest of Jesus--not just one day a week, but every day.
Pastor Ray asks the critical question is whether Jesus a wall or a door to you? Jesus is always a wall at first until we're willing to fully submit and humble our hearts to Him.