Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
We see in Europe today the consequences of turning from God. This is also coming to America if we do not repent and return to morality.
What are the consequences of turning from our Creator? Find out today as Pastor Ray takes a closer look.
The love of God is freedom, not bondage, as we serve our spouses, our workmates and those around us. The key point of the message is that the ONLY thing that matters is faith expressing itself through love.
In this sermon, Pastor Ray lays out both the kindness and sternness of God from the scriptures, which is so much different than the cotton candy Jesus that the American church has bought into.
We cannot withhold ourselves from Jesus and expect Him to save us. - Brother Ed
Jesus wants and desires that you come into full victory over sin by His precious blood, will you not run from the conviction and allow Jesus this victory of your soul?
Sometimes the very worst can become the very best. Listen to this inspiring story of repentance, forgiveness, redemption and our Lord’s Amazing Grace.
Will you allow the Holy Spirit and the sweetness of Jesus to draw your heart out of all uncleanness, all independence and anything else between your heart and His?
In this sermon, Pastor Ray lays out the lies that keeps one who wants Jesus with all of his/her heart, soul and mind, yet they remain a half-converted Christian.
Listen to the story how this dear brother finally laid everything down in full surrender to Jesus Christ. Praise God for this wonderful testimony of this dear brother who was fully converted and totally transformed!
The core sin of the half-converted church is a focus upon an emotional sentimentality about Jesus, in the absence or even any need for righteousness or holiness.
In this broadcast, Pastor Ray provides a detailed historical basis of the half-converted Christian, a term coined by Jonathan Edwards.