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Will You Or Will You Not Leave Your Tomb?

Are you living a pig life or a life victorious in Jesus, free of sin? Your only hope is to surrender to Jesus will you do it?
4-21-2022 - Will You Or Will You Not Leave Your Tomb

Are you still in bondage in the devil’s camp and trapped in misery? Do you honestly want deliverance or are holding on to your life? The deliverance begins with honestly confessing our condition before Jesus and trusting Him as we repent and believe. Perhaps you’re like the tramp who accuses Jesus of being a thief for demanding your sin and then your life. Jesus is not interested in your sin, He wants you dear one but that will require you leaving all of your wicked ways.

It’s not hard to fully give up my life to the one who created me. The hard life is the life given to self and the brokenness that comes from self-worship. Where is your heart today?