Message Date and Title Only

Title and Date Only for Messages

America Is Going Into The Lion’s Den


Weighed On The Scales


Jesus Holds Your Life In His Hand




Are You Insane?


Are You Willing To Die For Jesus?


A Solemn Warning From God


Why Will You Die In Your Sin?


Open A Door Of Hope Through Prayer


Near To The Heart Of God


I Am Finished With Fantasy


Have You Been Cut Off From Jesus?


Your Place In The Heart Of God


Made Alive With Christ In Prayer


What Is The State Of Your Mind?


Deep Calls To Deep


The Joy Of A Seven Day Sabbath


AMERICA cannot be saved but You Can be Saved


Do Not Let Your Heart Be Defiled, PRAY


Canaan Land is Yours (2007)


Ministering to the Heart of God – 2006


Venturing Out on the Promises of God – 2008


Taking a Stand for Righteousness – 2008


Do You Have Anything Real Then Let’s Pray?


If You Believe You Will See God’s Glory


Hope For Tomorrow


Leave Your Lifestyle Of Sin


Understanding Gospel Language


Let Us Humble Our Hearts And Pray


Jesus Can Not Repent For You


Go To Jesus Now


Stop Working For Lifestyle!




Don’t Say It Pray It


What Do You Want From Jesus?
