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The Reality Beyond Your Demands

Today's message is a familiar story from Acts but is much broader than you have thought.
03-7-2023 - The Reality Beyond Your Demands

Pastor Ray continues our study in the book of Acts today, and the terrifying story of Ananias and Sapphira and the God we serve. God is not malleable or bendable to our wills but rather we must bend to His will. It’s a far reaching sermon in the sense that God expects us to fully given to Him, in every way. It’s a must-listen broadcast today to prod you into seeking after Jesus.

We only have two choices, we either repent or harden our hearts and try to hold onto a part of our lives. Have you withheld anything in your life from the hand of Jesus? If the answer is yes, are you willing to repent to Jesus and place yourself and everything you have and are into His hand?