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The Raging River Of Deception

What is this raging river of deception that will flow in the life of one not fully given to Jesus?
2-22-2022  The Raging River Of Deception

Pastor Ray comes back to Romans this week with an intense focus upon Romans 8. He talks about condemnation that comes when we’re not fully given to Jesus (Romans 8:1) but rather upon the self-life, which includes a laundry list of things that focus on our comfort, our ambitions, our wants, our needs, our you can fill-in-the-blank. The road to Jesus begins with a great distress over our self life because we say one thing but our life screams out something else. Let us not run from this wonderful gift of conviction but rather tell Jesus about it and turn from our wicked ways..

Everything must be given once for all to Jesus lest we be deceived by this raging river of deception. Are you willing to be honest with Jesus about your life and whether you still own your life or not and are you willing to give up your life to Jesus come what may? If not now, when?