Are You Willing To Die For Jesus?Today's title is a question that our behavior and actions answer much more than our lips. What do they say about your walk with Jesus?Pastor RayNovember 16, 2022Deeper LifeRead MoreAre You Willing To Die For Jesus?
AMERICA cannot be saved but You Can be SavedAlthough judgment has been pronounced over this nation, Jesus is calling you into his rest. Will you heed the call of the Holy Spirit today?Pastor RayOctober 31, 2022ProphecyRead MoreAMERICA cannot be saved but You Can be Saved
Finish Your Journey With JoyDo you have eyes to see the radical changes coming upon us? Will you finish your journey with joy?Pastor RayJuly 21, 2022Deeper LifeRead MoreFinish Your Journey With Joy
Expose The Big UGLYWho is this "Big UGLY" that Pastor Ray references today from the book of Revelation?Pastor RayJuly 13, 2022Repentance Conviction Judgment of SinRead MoreExpose The Big UGLY
You Must Prepare Now For WarAre you willing to prepare for war as Gideon did knowing that will create much turmoil? It's time to get ready...Pastor RayApril 27, 2022Spiritual BattleRead MoreYou Must Prepare Now For War
Slouching Toward BabylonAre you slouching toward Babylon defying any who oppose you?Pastor RayOctober 11, 2021ProphecyRead MoreSlouching Toward Babylon
Overcome By The Anti-Christ SpiritHave you been overcome by a wicked anti-Christ spirit and aren't even aware of it?Pastor RaySeptember 27, 2021ProphecyRead MoreOvercome By The Anti-Christ Spirit