Disgraced In His GraceThe call is to awaken from slumber and no longer give any room to satan and his minions. Are you willing to cry out to Jesus?Pastor RayAugust 23, 2022LiesRead MoreDisgraced In His Grace
The Time Line to Eternity-part 2As we see the return of our Lord as imminent, preparation becomes even more critical. Are you ready dear one and do the see where we're at in time?Pastor RayJuly 12, 2022ProphecyRead MoreThe Time Line to Eternity-part 2
The Dreaded Seventh SealWhat is this dreaded seventh seal and how do we prepare for it?Pastor RayOctober 12, 2021ProphecyRead MoreThe Dreaded Seventh Seal
Slouching Toward BabylonAre you slouching toward Babylon defying any who oppose you?Pastor RayOctober 11, 2021ProphecyRead MoreSlouching Toward Babylon