ai generated, mask, businesswoman, deception

Remember Lot’s Wife (2003 Sermon)

Jesus warning about Lot's wife still holds true today. Listen carefully to this warning from the Holy Spirit to your heart and mine.

Scriptures Used During Today’s Message: John 8:34-35, John 8:37, Genesis 19,

Today’s message is another call to be fully given to Jesus, to be sold out, to be crucified, to be utterly surrendered to Jesus. Lot and his family were not sold out and their hearts were ultimately uncovered. Know that God, in His great mercy and kindness, will also uncover your heart.

Moral insanity simply means you have sacrificed what is right and what is holy for opportunity, that you have nothing that is absolute. What is absolute is me, my deal, that’s moral insanity

Pastor Ray during today’s message

Note: We had a major winter storm and I didn’t have much time to prepare this message and should have edited it a bit. My apologies… Brother Ed