Put An End To Selfishness

Hear the call from today's parable in Luke 16 to leave all selfishness behind and to pour out to others in self-sacrificing love. That's the call to every Christian.
7-29-2024   Put An End To Selfishness

Scriptures Used During Today’s Broadcast: Luke 16

On today’s Pilgrim’s Progress, Pastor Ray walks us through the parable that comprises most of Luke 16, where it’s clear we’re not called to be shrewd but rather lay down ourselves for others. Real love is not sentimental but is reflected in actions (talk is cheap) where we simply pour out our hearts to others in love (give resources whatever the Lord asks us to do for another) and lovingly confront at the promptings of the Holy Spirit to call them to Jesus.

Ask the Holy Spirit to identify and then purge any selfishness that may remain in your heart.