Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Join us today for a sermon focusing on becoming mature in Christ. Do you know what the key is? Listen and find out!
Can you see that it's beginning to rain, even though it seems like just a few raindrops? Will you intensify your pursuit of Jesus?
The lie of the cotton candy Jesus is contrary to that of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Are you following your own self-interests or those of Jesus Christ?
This is the story of Revival in Argentina, are you willing to do whatever the Holy Spirit commands? Revival is coming dear one!
Do you know what it means to turn around and to experience a season of refreshing, directly from the heart of Jesus.
The decision to follow Jesus and to go all the way through with Jesus involves much suffering, even though Jesus is the one who makes the provision for us.
God does matter and He will always have the last word. Prayerfully consider this sobering word today.
Know that God always bring barrenness as a means to grab our attention and secure our repentance. Will you get to God to find out what He wants from your life?
There is an awesome power in crying out to God because He will respond to our cries. He is also a mighty God who destroyed 185,000 soldiers in a night.
What do we do when all hope is gone? Do we get to Jesus and put all of our trust in Him or just give up? Listen to the story of Naaman today and put your trust in Jesus.
This is an old favorite and it's something that we need to carefully and prayerfully consider. Is your life full of your own concerns??
Who is your great hero or is that you? Listen and determine who the battle belongs to. Be blessed as you listen!