Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Church Address
5009 Softwood Lane
Woodbridge, VA 22152
Do you see the need to dig up the pride of your heart? This is something we all must do but it's very much contrary to our proud culture.
There are two things that Jesus wants to do but are largely absent in the modern American church. Listen to the message to find out what Jesus wants to do in your life!
Do you know where you're at, are you living under the spiritual blessings laid in Ephesians or are you under the law?
The story of blind Bartimaeus holds the secrets in our efforts to get to Jesus.
Where are your roots? That will reveal whether you are a Christian or not.
Crucifixion precedes ressurrection. Have you been buried with Jesus?
Do you desire to living in the joy of God's power? Listen to Pastor Ray lay out the steps to enter into this today.
Find out why we must see into the spirit realm and what it will take for God to grant us that gift.
The time to turn to God is NOW, are you ready for judgment to come? Don't get swept away in your unbelief!
We must learn to live before we die. Find out more as Pastor Ray goes through the sermon at Pentecost on today's Pilgrim's Progress.
Is your love for Jesus clearly reflected in everything you do or is it all about you?
Pastor Ray lays out the great conflict we're in. Are you taking the role the Lord has prepared for you in this battle against darkness?